![Rubber](images/i01a.gif) |
![Rubber](images/i02a.jpg) |
![Natural Rubber](images/i01t.gif) |
Natural Rubber has many good characteristics. It has high resilience, good compression set, food roll building behavior, and molding properties; very good friction surface, but not a fine smooth surface when ground; high tear strength, low crack growth; usable for ketones and alcohol; and good low temperature properties. |
![SBR](images/i11t.gif) |
SBR is a low cost non-oil resistant material. It has good water resistance and resilience up to 70 durometer; compression set becomes poorer with higher durometer; generally satisfactory for most moderate chemicals and wet or dry organic acids.
![Neoprene](images/i21t.gif) |
Neoprene is an all purpose polymer with many desirable characteristics. It has additional plus features: high resilience with low compression set; flame resistant; compounds free of sulfur are easily made; and animal and vegetable oil resistant generally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats, greases and many oils and solvents. Neoprene is generally attacked by strong oxidizing acids, esters, ketones, chlorinated aromatic and nitro hydrocarbons. |
![Nitrile (BUNA-N)](images/i31t.gif) |
Nitrile is a general purpose oil resistant polymer which has good solvent, oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance, good compression set, abrasion resistance and tensile strength. ÊNitrile should not be used in highly polar solvents such as acetone and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons. |
![Silicone](images/i41t.gif) |
Silicone Rubber has a great many variations and can be compounded to meet any number of applications. Silicone can be compounded to have tensile in the area of 1500 PSI and tear upto 200 lbs.; low compression set and good resilience; moderate solvent resistance; excellent heat resistance; good release characteristics; extreme low temperature properties; and can be highly resistant to oxidation and ozone attack. Silicone is generally attacked by most concentrated solvents, oils, concentrated acids and dilute sodium hyrdoxide. |
![Butyl](images/i51t.gif) |
Butyl rubber is impermeable to most common gasses and has good resistance to sunlight and ozone. Butyl is normally satisfactory when exposed to animal and vegetable oils and oxidizing chemicals. Butyl is not recommended for use with petroleum solvent, coal tar and aromatic hydrocarbons. |
![Hypalon](images/i61t.gif) |
Hypalon has very good resistance to oxidation and ozone, as well as good flame resistance; it is similar to neoprene except with improved acid resistance; abrasion resistance is excellent, about the equivalent of nitrile, low friction surface; and oil and solvent resistance about intermediate between neoprene and nitrile. Hypalon is not recommended for exposure to concentrated oxidizing acids, esters, ketones, chlorinated, aromatic and nitro hydrocarbons. Hypalon is recommended for immersion in water. |
![EPDM](images/i71t.gif) |
EPDM provides superior properties for outdoor and high temperature applications. EPDM has excellent resistance to heat, ozone and sunlight and good resistance to alkalis, acids and oxygenated solvents. Very good temperature flexibility, superior resistance to water and steam. It is highly extendible and is sulfur and peroxide curable. |